Marshall Field Site: Instruments

Marshall Field Site has a great selection of precipitation, wind sensors and other instruments (check out the Marshall web site). The precipitation sensors consist of:

  1. Geonor All-Weather Precipitation Gauge
  2. HSS Visibility And Precipitation Sensor
  3. Optical Rain Gauge Sensor
  4. Eledwi Weather Sensor
  5. ETI Optical Rain Sensor
  6. ETI Precipitation Gauge
  7. TE Tipping Bucket Gauge
  8. Tretyakov Manual Precipitation Gauge
  9. NCAR Manual Precipitation Gauge
  10. NWS Manual Precipitation Gauge
  11. Judd Sonic Depth Sensor
  12. Campbell Scientific Sonic Depth Sensor
  13. Belfort Precipitation Gauge
  14. Hotplate Snow Gauge