8 March: Colorado Daily: CU-Boulder students go snow-chasing with 'Doppler on Wheels' radar
Daily Camera: CU-Boulder students go snow-chasing with 'Doppler on Wheels' radar
4 March: CU Press Release
1 March: Weather Outlook 1-4 March: The best chance for snowfall just west of Boulder, Colorado on Thur, March 3rd. On Friday, March 4th, the rain/snow line will descend in elevation to include Boulder during the afternoon. <<NWS Forecasting Discussion for Boulder, CO>>
27 Feb: Information related to logistics for CU students <<here>>
21 Feb: Dr. Karen Kosiba (Center of Severe Weather Research)t alked about the Doppler on Wheels radars at CU on Monday 21 February at 200-250 pm at Duane Physics building G1B30.